Summer Workshop on Lattice Polytopes
July 23 -- August 10, 2018, Osaka, Japan

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-9:30 Balletti Blanco Schröter Davis Steinmeyer
10:00-10:30 Borger Iglesias Olarte Alhajjar Kohl
11:00-11:30 Vindas Meléndez Tran Panizzut Hlavacek Olsen
12:00-12:30 Ng Tsuchiya Alexandersson Zheng Katthän
12:30-14:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30-15:00 Ring Manecke Portakal Suyama
15:30-16:00 Lee Walter Escobar Cavey
16:30-17:00 Castillo Codenotti Miura Solus




July 30 (Mon)

9:00--9:30 Gabriele Balletti (Stockholms Universitet)
How connected are the skeletons of polytopes?
10:00--10:30 Christopher Borger (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)
The mixed volume and the mixed degree of a family of lattice polytopes
11:00--11:30 Andrés Vindas Meléndez (University of Kentucky)
Fixed Subpolytopes of the Permutahedron
12:00--12:30 Louis Ng (San Francisco State University)
Magic Counting with Inside-Out Polytope
14:30--15:00 Maren Ring (Universität Rostock)
McMullen’s formulas for Ehrhart coefficients
15:30--16:00 Yonggyu Lee (University of California, Davis)
Geometrical structure of Tesler polytopes
16:30--17:00 Federico Castillo (University of Kansas)
Deformation cones for polytopes

July 31 (Tue)

9:00--9:30 Mónica Blanco (Universidad de Cantabria)
Lattice 3-polytopes: quantum jumps and interior points
10:00--10:30 Oscar Iglesias (Universidad de Cantabria)
The complete classification of empty lattice 4-simplices
11:00--11:30 Bach Tran (University of Edinburgh)
On k-normality and Regularity of Normal Projective Toric Varieties
12:00--12:30 Akiyoshi Tsuchiya (Osaka University)
Cayley sums and Minkowski sums of 2-convex-normal lattice polytopes
14:30--15:00 Sebastian Manecke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Gram’s relation for cone valuations
15:30--16:00 Lena Walter (Freie Universität Berlin)
The Kingman Coalescent as a Density on a Space of Trees
16:30--17:00 Giulia Codenotti (Freie Universität Berlin)
The covering minima of lattice polytopes

August 1 (Wed)

9:00--9:30 Benjamin Schröter (Technische Universität Berlin)
Reconstruction of Matroid Polytopes
10:00--10:30 Jorge Alberto Olarte (Freie Universität Berlin)
Transversal valuated matroids and their presentation space
11:00--11:30 Marta Panizzut (Technische Universität Berlin)
K3 polytopes and their quartic surfaces
12:00--12:30 Per Alexandersson (KTH Royal Institute of Techonolgy)
The integer decomposition property and Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes
14:30--15:00 Irem Portakal (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)
Torus actions on matrix Schubert varieties
15:30--16:00 Laura Escobar (University of Illinoi)
Wall-crossing phenomena for Newton-Okounkov bodies
16:30--17:00 Makoto Miura (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Hibi toric varieties and mirror symmetry

August 2 (Thu)

9:00--9:30 Brian Davis (University of Kentucky)
Approximating Hilbert Bases via Machine Learning
10:00--10:30 Elie Alhajjar (George Mason University)
Numerical Semigroups and Kunz Polytopes
11:00--11:30 Magda Hlavacek (University of California, Berkeley)
Dehn-Sommerville equations for cubical polytopes
12:00--12:30 Hailun Zheng (University of Michigan)
A lower bound theorem for centrally symmetric simplicial polytopes
14:30--15:00 Yusuke Suyama (Osaka University)
Toric Fano varieties associated to graph cubeahedra
15:30--16:00 Daniel Cavey (University of Nottingham)
Classification of Minimal Polygons with Specified Singularity Content
16:30--17:00 Liam Solus (KTH Royal Institute of Techonolgy)
Real-rootedness, Unimodality, and Symmetric Decompositions of Polynomials

August 3 (Fri)

9:00--9:30 Johanna Steinmeyer (Freie Universität Berlin)
No small Counterexamples to Perles' Conjecture
10:00--10:30 Florian Kohl (Freie Universität Berlin)
Levelness of Order Polytopes
11:00--11:30 McCabe Olsen (University of Kentucky)
Level algebras and lecture hall polytopes
12:00--12:30 Lukas Katthän (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
The lecture hall cone as a toric deformation